ABC insurance- abcD bouquet Premiums

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About this product

Insurance is usually paid in premiums and to make it easier for payment and comparison,plans sold to individuals are grouped in standardized tiers.
Limits of the plans
Plans;limits Option A; 500,000 Option B; 300,000 Option C; 100,000
Additional Benefits sub-limits
Plans;limits Maternity; 30,000 Dental; 20,000 Optical; 20,000 Preexisting and chronic illnesses; Option A 125,000 ;Option B 100,000 ;Option C 50,000
In-Patient Cover Rates
Member; Option A;Option B; Option C Spouse only; 11,643;10,584;8,900 Spouse + 1;16,300;13,759;11,570 Spouse + 2;21,900;17,887;15,041 Spouse + 3;27,547;23,253;19,553 Spouse +4; 32,812;32,554;27,357
Out-Patient Cover Rates
Optionlimits; Premiums Option A 100,000; 18,250 Option B 75,000; 14,025 Option C 50,000; 10,800


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