Important Facts To Note When Applying for a HELB Loan

Written by Ruth Njiri

Below we discuss some important facts to note when you are applying for a HELB loan as well as summarize for you the loan repayment requirements.

How to Apply for a HELB Loan

The application process is usually done online following the procedure outline below:

  1. Log into the portal
  2. Create an account profile: while still logged in, go to the home page and click ‘fill the application form correctly’.
  3. Fill in the form carefully and make sure you save each and every step.
  4. Go back to the home page and click ‘view application history’ to confirm you have filled everything correctly.
  5. Go back home and click the ‘print form’ icon to get your hard copy documents.
  6. Applicants are then required to take the printed form to their local pastor, area sub-chief and a lawyer who confirms that the information submitted is accurate.
  7. The duly filled form is then submitted to HELB offices.

HELB Application Process

The application has three main parts:

  1. Applicant Details: This section aims at gathering information on the:
    1. Applicants personal details
    2. Applicants residential details
    3. Applicants university and loan details
  2. Parents/Guardians Details: This section gathers information on the applicants:
    1. Parents/Guardians marital status
    2. Fathers details (If alive)
    3. Mothers details (If alive)
    4. Parents/Guardians financial status
  3. Education Details: This section gathers information on your primary, secondary, tertiary and any other formal training you have had.

Loan Repayment Process

Usually, Undergraduate Loan repayment starts within one year of completion of studies or within such a period as the Board decides to recall the loan. The other loans, funds and bursaries are payable within the Boards stipulated timelines. Alternative loans are due for repayment immediately upon disbursement.

However, one can make voluntary payments before or after you leave your course which will reduce your balance earlier. Once one has completed payment one should seek clearance by HELB where he/she will be issued with a clearance certificate which is proof that one has one has completed their payment.

The loan repayment process is managed by the Loan Repayment and Recovery Department that was establish with the core mandate of recovering mature loans. It is divided into two sections:

  1. The Undergraduate section that deals with recovery of undergraduate loans
  2. Alternative Loans section that deals with the disbursement and recovery of postgraduate loans, continuing education loans and administration of scholarships.

The loan repayment options are discussed in detail in the link herewith.

About the author

Ruth Njiri